Frequency Response -Please contact us by e-mail, telephone or by Fax for more details
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Frequency Response


Frequency Response


Frequency Response from Cypher Instruments
















Frequency Response

Our latest product design the C60 is a frequency response and impedance analyser, it is extremely feature rich and we feel it is a breathrough in testing and measurement.

We feel that this frequency response network analyser is one of the worlds smallest and lightest frequency response analysers around so this makes it extremely portable so can be taken out on location and used in many more applications than other analysers. The analyser uses extremely low power so the battery life is extremely long and as we have said before it is full of features to aid you.

The design of the c60 ipendance and frequency response analyser was created by Timothy Orr and Adam Fullerton two experts in their field with many years experience between them, they were looking for a lightweight responsive design that they could use for analysing whilst out in the field that would also be low cost, but everything that they had used before was in their personal opinion not quite up to the mark so they created this the C60.

The C60 was specifically designed and created by Tim and Allen as a low cost device which can be used scientifically for measuring and testing.

With the greatest degree of accuracy this frequency response analyser measures impedance, amplitude and phase responses of electronic, acoustic and other systems. You can then have the results displayed directly on to your laptop if you are out on location or to your personal computer, the program is a powerful scientific program that outputs the data in a graph that you can customise to output your preferred details, the graphs are highly professional and will provide you with all the output details that you could ever possible need.

A frequency response device is used to measure the response from any form of system to a signal that uses a different frequency but is always on the same amplitude. The response of the frequency is usually distinguished by the degree of the response from the given system the response is measured in decibels but if you are measuring the phase then this will be measured in radians, the C60 is able to measure any of these outputs and provide you with a professional digital output that you can print or email as a file to other users for evaluation anywhere in the world.