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Impedance Analyser


Impedance Analyser


Impedance Analyser from Cypher Instruments
















Impedance Analyser

Welcome to the Cypher Instruments website, creators of the C60 impedance analyser designed by Tim Orr and Adam Fullerton. These two gentleman have created this impedance analyser as they were not entirely satisfied with the models that they were using and wanted something that they could use out in the field on location that would connect easily to their laptops so they could easily view the results immediately.

This analyser, the C60, is without a shadow of a doubt an innovation in testing and measurment of a scientific nature, judging by the competition that is out there we would have to say that it is the smallest, most portable due to its lightweight, lowest power consuming feature rich network impedance analyser available on the market today and we are proud of the fact that it is our name that is associated to the product.

The unit itself has been designed so that it can easily investigate analog networks that are classed as opaque. The unit can be set up to measure and test in two totally seperate modes.

In the first mode you can set the analyser to measure the response of the frequency of a system that uses two ports and this will in turn use its highly sophisticated but easy to use software to produce a graph that shows the gain and loss in phases.

The impedance analyser also measures how reactive the response is for any network using two terminals with this operation you will receive a different graph which shows the impedance or the admittance and phase graph. You can also sine wave test networks that are electrical, electro acoustic or electronic amongst others all the output graphs can be displayed directly on your pc or laptop if you are doing testing work out in the field.

The C60 uses universal serial bus connections more commonly known as usb so you do not need to worry about batteries or the unit running out of power, it will connect directly to the laptop so you need to ensure your laptops battery is fully charged if working in a location without a power supply.