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Network Analyser


Network Analyser


Network Analyser from Cypher Instruments
















Network Analyser

The C60 impedance network analyser is a breakthrough in test and measurement, it is a recently developed product designed specifically for Cypher Instruments.

This network analyser will measure the amplitude, impedance and the response of phase on frequencies between ten hertz and four mega hertz. It has been designed so that it is small and light enough to be very portable so can be carried between places along with your laptop to receive instantaneous results whilst on the move.

Batteries are not needed for this product as it uses usb 2.0 this also allows the graphs that are created by the software to be passed onto any connected personal computer or laptop which can then in turn be emailed for verification or to be analysed furhter or to show clients your results.

The c60 network analyser has a fifty ohm output of impedance and the input impedance is one mega ohm, the product has been designed for people who have research and development in mind as well as testing electrical products and used in universities and schools for educational purposes.

The unit itself has a very simple impedance measurement system that uses two terminals meaning training to use the device is very simple as well. It has the capability to self diagnose and self calibrate.

The digital interfaces use six bits so that you can have automated control of any external devices that are connected to the analyser. It also takes advantage of flash technology for it's memory so that all updates and upgrades can be completed online simply and quickly.

The attenuator that the unit uses for the output oscillates so that the conditions of the measurement can be very flexible.

There is an indicator on the unit that shows when the power is on, when the unit is linked to an external device, an indicator to show that the unit is calibrating itself and also a light to show it is in test mode.